11 Absolutely Dire Jokes About Parking

Ah, yes, the Dad joke - who doesn't secretly love it? Read on to add some really bad ones to your repertoire: you're welcome.

When it comes to jokes, the worse the better. And frankly, there’s no topic with such an abundance of low-hanging fruits as parking. We’ve curated a selection of the most forehead-slappingly awful jokes about parking ever written. Ever.

We await our court summons for crimes against hilarity with bated breath.

Argh! Upsetting, isn’t it? If you think you can do better, share it on social media and tag JustPark to make sure we see it.

Word on the street is that the only cure for such a disappointing string of comic letdowns is to make sure that you book your next parking space in advance, online, via JustPark.com. Or if you have a space that you don’t use, you can advertise it for free and earn money. Phew.

Illustration of a phone and a map.

Parking sorted in seconds.

Journeys are simpler with a dedicated space, just for you.

Illustration of a house with a parking space.